
Just looked at vacancies at Parkinson’s UK, the salaries that are being advertised are ridiculously high, does the charity realise that some Parkinson’s suffers particularly young onset suffer financial hardship’s and seeing the these salaries advertised raises a few eyebrows. Is this new director on £100,000 a year going to increase fund raising to cover his total package of I’ll say £150,000. Some of the home based staff deserve every penny.

How do other volunteer’s feel, the days of charity workers being low paid seams a thing of the past.

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I think it’s disgusting how much there on same as cancer suffers. I remember when they opened a new Joseph Wells and they were showing up in rolls, Bentley, jaguar why can’t they just have a ford or vw they just take icing of top cake who in charge of these salaries. No good tho it won’t change

I am so glad you have highlighted this. I looked at this the other week and couldn’t believe the job titles and salaries being offered. I think this shows the hugh amounts of the money raised is just being used to raise more money to pay salaries/overheads. It is a merry-go-round. All charities operate the same way. The bigger they get, the more money is needed to maintain the building/staff etc. I personally wouldn’t mind if I could even hope that one day we would have a treatment more up to date than Sinemet, which pre-dates man on the moon.

Could all the Parkinson’s charities not merge and become a worldwide organisation intent on finding a cure? Surely this would cut duplicate staff roles? There must be information/reseach they could share which would be beneficial to finding a cure?

Large pharmaceutical companies seem to merge, why not charities?

I do understand that if you are advertising a role, then in order to attract applications, a compeitive salary needs to be offered, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if some could be ‘ring fenced’ as volunteer positions or offered to people with Parkinson’s (full training given).

It is worth noting that a predicted five years to develope a cure for C19 was found in months with the investment and desire of governments across the world.

Hi @GentechE1 and @Lindsay, :wave:t5:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and concerns with us.

At Parkinson’s UK we need to pay the right salary to make sure we attract the right level of skills and experience. This is so we can meet the needs of people affected by Parkinson’s, their family, friends and carers. We aim to ensure we attract and retain the required skills, knowledge and experience across all our areas of work from our directors to our front line advisers.

We look at our salaries against the wider context of similar roles across the sector and pay our staff at the medium level based on the charity sector pay scales. Without paying a fair market rate, we would not be able to attract and retain people with the skills and experience needed to deliver on plans to support us to meet the needs of people with Parkinson’s and their family, friends and carers.

As always, if you have any complaints and/or feedback that you’d like to share with us please do not hesitate to contact out feedback team at [email protected]

Best wishes,