Hopefully I'm posting this in the right place.
I'm Mark, I'm 42, and I'm from Swindon.
After sub consciously ignoring some symptoms for a few years, I finally faced up to what I was denying and accepted that I needed to see a doctor.
My symptoms are as follows:
External tremors in my arms and legs
Shaking and jolting while asleep
Foot Dragging
Swallowng issues
Masking- it used to upset me why people thought I was always so angry.
'Vibrating' feeling over the whole body
Falling if I stand quickly
Not having complete control of my hand when taking coffee out of a jar etc
Bursting into tears at the smallest thing
Lack of arm swing when walking
I know it probably sounds ridiculous ignoring all of the above, but they started so intermittently that I brushed them off. It was only when more than one instance of each of the above per week started happening that I couldn't pretend any longer.
I went to the doctor this week and explained all this, and it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I think I realised at this point that there's probably been more denial involved than I had admitted to myself.
I'm back in for blood tests on Monday and then it's into whatever tests are the next step.
Part of me is still convinced I'm being a drama queen and a hypochondriac, but the other part of me is saying that I can't keep being naive about this.
Since going to the doctors and actually voicing my concerns, it feels like I have opened a floodgate. This week has been the worst by miles for symptoms, to the point that I haven't been able to hide some of them and work colleagues. Things that hasn't happened before have started as well, I couldn't get my arm behind me to put my jacket on yesterday.
I'm finding it really hard getting my head around this right now. One minute I feel like it's going to help so much putting a name to things that have been increasingly frustrating and embarrassing me, the next I feel scared that by admitting its something, I'm accepting it.