
As my husband with PD seems to be deteriorating rapidly, I’m on the lookout for things that we CAN still do together, which are enjoyable for both of us and which minimise the risks when being away from home.
The last two experiences of going off for mini breaks were good in some ways, but marred by physical hiccups and stressful situations. Getting in and out of taxis in Edinburgh for example was really difficult. My husband, who is quite large, can no longer bob his head down at the same time as lifting a foot and moving forward. We know that now! So we’ll be avoiding that one. Worst of all was having a bed that was too high and too narrow. He fell out of bed the first time he needed a wee and banged his head on the bedside table. Could have been worse. But after that, even with some protective measures in place, he barely slept for two nights - and I didn’t sleep at all!
Nevertheless - we’re not giving up. Just booked a week in France in July. Special assistance at airports. Taking both a walker and a wheelchair - as he uses the walker when he can. Hiring a medium sized car - big enough for everything. Staying in a ground floor studio in a chateau. Have phoned the proprietor who has sent photos of bed, toilet, shower, any steps around the site, shade round the pool, a sturdy chair - all reassuring. Taking a raised toilet seat, a travel bed rail, bed pads - and not too many clothes.Will post about how it goes!

Hi and welcome to the forum @MandyO, Watching your husband’s Parkinson’s progress can’t be easy so it’s fantastic that you’ve decided to do what you can and book these holidays that you both enjoy. Going to France sounds like a great adventure and you’ve thought of so many things that will make things easier. That’s a great list. I’m sure our friendly members will have things to add based on their own experiences of holidaying.

We’ll all look forward to hearing about your planning and the actual trip.

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