What is there when Madopar doesn’t work anymore?

Hi All
Just looking for some advice

What happens when Madopar starts causing long periods of hallucinations and nightmares?

My mum has been taking it for quite a number of years and it’s appeared to be helpful. Earlier this year though it was like somebody flicked a switch and suddenly she was suffering from hours of hallucinations and nightmares.

These are directly linked to Madopar and now as her doses have been lowered its very apparent that like clockwork she will start having an episode within a set time of taking a dose. She’s now down to just 1 dose during the day and a slow release dose at night.

Has anybody else had this almost intolerance to Madopar appear and if so what else is there to take which can help with the stiffness and freezing caused by PD? So far the consultant isn’t offering anything, just lowering the Madopar dose.

Hi @Jane15,

A warm welcome to the forum. I’m sorry to hear that your mum’s medication no longer appears to be as efficient as before. Madopar and its side-effects are often discussed on the forum, so you came to the right place for feedback and advice.

You’ll also find some information on Madopar and its possible side effects on our website: Levodopa (co-beneldopa and co-careldopa) | Parkinson's UK In addition, we are always here to help in any way we can, so please give our helpline on 0808 800 0303 a call for more support.

Best wishes,
Forum Moderation Team

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