When to register as a carer

My hwp was diagnosed 6 years ago at 53. He manages well with meds but there is inevitable decline. When I was chatting to the GP practice nurse about covid jabs of all things, she asked if I registered with the practice as his carer. She asked what I did for him. I explained I now do most of the driving, more of the ‘heavy lifting’ around the house, occasional help with dressing etc. these are the things my husband recognises as things I do. He doesn’t ‘see’ the managing that happens to help with his anxiety, the planning made to trips out to make things easier etc, reminding about pills.

The nurse said to think about it.

It feels a big step to register as his carer; an acknowledgment that things are only heading in one direction. I guess what I’m asking is what difference will it make if I do register as his carer. I work so attendance allowance isn’t a factor