Work & bullying


My husband has been living with PD for 7 years now, and manages to work full time as a salesman. He has done the job his whole life and is good at it.

This year he has told his employer as he didn’t want to feel as though he was hiding his diagnosis from everyone any more.

In short, his boss is a total arse. He seems to be picking fault with every single thing my husband does, and doesn’t make any sort of allowances for his illness.

We are trying to think of some reasonable adjustments, but my husband feels this could be like holding a red rag to a bull, and will be lose his job very quickly.

Any advice, or adjustments that people have round really helpful would be fantastic


I’m really sorry to hear about your husband’s situation. Dealing with a difficult boss is tough, and I can relate to facing challenges at work too. When I encountered bullying, it felt overwhelming, but I learned some ways to cope with it.
Firstly, open communication can help. Your husband could try talking to his boss about his condition and how it might impact his work. Sometimes, bosses just need to be educated.
Secondly, standing up for oneself is essential. I found that calmly asserting my boundaries and not tolerating mistreatment made a difference.
If things get worse, HR might be worth reaching out to. Documenting incidents can be helpful in case it escalates. Also, I found some tips on how to deal with blackmail, which you might find helpful.

Remember, he doesn’t have to face this alone. Support from loved ones and understanding employers can make a positive impact. I hope things have improved and that he’s been able to find the right balance between work and managing Parkinson’s.