First my appologies for my childish (HUFF) on the disappearing posts, mind you I did have a good excuse the post which was almost complete contained usefull info about many aspects of parky and ways of fighting back, so anyway its gone so I am using a different tack I will post in the relevent section , the subject I need to talk about in this section is OCB , and the focus of my obsession is my wife,my feelings both loving and sexual are very strong and becoming stronger by the day,the worst effect these increased Libido feelings is I am becoming very watchfull and jealous , and there are two other worrying sides to this , first the sexual feelings are not reciprocated , love yes but passion no,a few days back we had a pleasant time but as I expected it couldnt possibly continue as it was beyond my capabilities, and my beloved knows this so we are back to platonic mode,and now we just content ourselves with the love we have for each other and I have no other choice but to hold back the very strong obsessiveness mainly because the are not needed, and also I , well nothing works, so we do actually feel closer now we have settled back into the routine life which is normal for us, I still have those very extreme thoughts with no possibility of acting upon them except in my dreams is this feeling of, well sexual predator,, for my wife as a result of the Duodpa Carbidopa intake, all I know is Nature can be very cruel at times and I do feel perverse.
Regards Fed