Came off levadopa

Well I came off the levadopa to see if it improved my headdrop and it was really difficult without it. My head position didn’t improve…so I have started back on it.

I’m really disappointed. The only other drug I take is mirtazapine which I started originally at the same time as the levadopa. The headdrop started a few days later.

Are there any other remedies to improve head position that anyone has come across? Physio?

Thank you!

Hi @Snowy,

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling with your medication. I’m sure you’ll hear from fellow members with some advice based on their own experiences, however, please ensure that you are consulting with your GP before making any changes to your medication. With regard to physio, we have a lot of information via the Parkinson’s UK website which may be of interest to you.

As always, our helpline advisers are always here for you if you need additional help and support. Please give us a call 0808 800 0303.

Best wishes,