Coming off Ropinirole


This sounds strange for PD,usally its a slow slow decline.I do know a few who advanced fast but they had LBD.Its more like you decline rapidly ,like walker to wheelchair  in a few years.

I hope he doesnt have it.I myself have learned doctors can be very stubborn and while they should be open to changing meds.


I also found adding comtan to my sinemet made cycles much better.I like the organic idea and will try it myself.

Dont lose hope ,sounds like he needs a better doctor.



Hi Golden Girl,
I just found this forum. Can you tell me more about how Ropinirole affected your husband? And how is his current regime working? Sounds like a good idea.

We want to make some changes. Not much help here, no movement disorder specialists and a few Neuro’s to choose from. 8 years in Parkinson’s.

Also, my husband is on 1mg am Ropinirole and 1mg in the late afternoon with his Total of 5 - 25/100 LevDopa a day every 3 hours.

If you want to know about our journey…type Dopamine agonists and compulsive and obsessive behaviour into a search box…and then search Goldengirl.
It makes for awful reading…but is full of info and advice about avoiding the horrors
We are nowin the end stages and it is too difficult presently to share.
I wish you luck…there is much more awareness now and if you educate yourself you can look forward to many good years.
Sending love and hugs,