
You are also entitled to be represented by a welfare rights officer , you should contact your local Citizens Advice bureau and ask them how to contact your local one.
hi Dotty,

Yes, yes and yes......

Ring your Neurologists office tomorrow and explain what's happened and ask for a letter. Tell them its very urgent as you only have a limited time to appeal. At worst you might have to pay £50 for the letter, depends on your Neurologist, mine did not charge me anything.

good luck and keep me posted.
Also call the DLA office in the morning and advise them about ALL YOUR FALLS over the last 12 months and any pumps, bruises or cuts you got as a result of falling. Also put this in writing with your appeal.
Thanks again x
Hi Dotty
I've just gone through the same experience My DLA was withdrawn and I had to appeal.Mine just got as far as review this time and I got it back.The main person I found very helpful was the welfare rights officer He attend the appeal with me the first time round and he's been very supportive I just signed for him to have access to all the information about my case and left it to him. The DLA did the same with my case contacted the wrong consultant. Don't give up and the best of luck Angel4ux
Hi !
Can you understand when the DLA is reviewed. Is it random or is it a regular event ? Is it when you apply for other benefits ?
I am concerned that my driving license is up for renewal soon and I will be telling the dvla how wonderful and fit I am so I can driving, but with the DLA I'm my worst day.

Merry Christmas

Renewing your driving licence has no connection to applying for or updating your DLA. Unless of course your condition has significantly improved over the last 3 years, which given you have parkinsons disease, is highly unlikely?

Merry Xmas.
Hi Angel4u,
Glad you got your dla sorted,I had never heard about a welfare rights officer helping till reading on this thread.
blueeyes,I called my neuro asking for her to write me a letter,she has said I need to request it in writing,I also called dla informed then of the falls etc.Guess back to the waiting game now.
Take Care Dot xxx
Hello Westby,

DLA can be awarded for an idefinate period or for a fixed period of time. It is stated on the award letter informing you that DLA has been awarded.

Somtimes random reviews can also take place.

Hope this is helpful.

Best wishes,

Hi blueeyes /panda,
Thanks for your replies !!

I agree with you comments.

My thoughts are perhaps a little paranoid but... I put down my "worst day" when applying for DLA with events that have happened. In applying to the DVLA I tend to think of a "good day" when everything is doing as well as it can do.
If you compare the two (I assume my doctor / neuro will see both DLA & DVLA) there will be some differences.

Happy New Year

Hi !
I now have the renewal forms from the DVLA.

Form PK1 (rev Nov 08)

Question 2 do you experience :
involuntary movements
limb pains / cramps
the need of a carer

3 If Yes to any of Q2, please give details

I assume you need to try and précis the DLA form onto the three lines that you are given to give details of living with PD. Whilst avoiding the trigger words that will lead to questions being asked on your ability to drive.

It seems to me there is a big gap in the system with tremendous detail needed for DLA whilst the DVLA licence renewal is very superficial.

Take Care !

I know it is difficult to know what to put in these forms, I try to tell it how it is, after all if you distort the truth in one form, you may well get caught out in another.
Insurance included.
I surrendered my driving licence last year. If I'm bad enough to receive full DLA, all components (which I am), I must by definition be bad enough to be a danger to other road users (which I am).
Exactly, you can't expect to have it both ways.
I just got a giro in the post with no explanation for the last couple of months dla.I called them and asked what rate I was receiving,I have been awarded low rate care and nothing for mobility.They said an explanation should be with me in a week.I have had to use taxis and other people driving at times the last few months cos I have felt not able to drive safely,mainly to do with weakness in right hand.I really feel I need an automatic and adjustments made on a car.I have problems with putting keys in and petrol cap on and off.I have three children who need to be taken to school and loads of appointments so need a car.
Does anyone else who has dealt with dla have any advice? what happens now? i am going to appeal but what does that entail?! is it a long process and does it go to court? will they take away my low rate if i start to appeal?
just appeal against it ,get the relevent papers off erm they will le u have erm u fill erm in and send erm back and give more info good resons why u dont agree with situation and it will be procssesd agin ,wont take as long as first one ,it dont go to court or nothing like that ,but may be u need some more help it was rittern out first time ,idont no if u did or not ,there are people who fill forms in ,seek advice from citizen advice beauro they will let u no,good luck:smile:
Dotty are you not in touch with your local branch if not why not the area welfare officer they are not called welfare but thats what they are there for should be able to help with your appeal & you should be able to get the higher rate mobility& then get a car on motability but you do need higher rate mobility allowance to get. when you fill out the forms the correct way to answer questions is the way you feel on the worst day of the year not what you can do most of the time but what you cannot do when you are at your worst
Thanks for replies, sorry took so long to reply.I'm at DAB tomorrow filling in my appeal.I am also waiting for a letter from my neuro,my gp and social worker.Also a friend who helps me who sees the problems I have is writing a letter.Hopefully will get somewhere.
I haven't as yet been to a local group but thinking about it.
Take Care Dot x
hello hopeing it gos your way allso get your self to meeting found it very helpful myself
all the best del