Hello PUK … from Shaken But Not Stirred

I was going to buy a book on "The Power of Positive Thinking" and then I thought, "What good would it do?"

As Shakenbutnotstirred mentioned, we didn’t agree to start a new section dedicated to positivity only. The reason for this is that we understood from the many discussions we’ve had with the community over the past few years that there should be as few limitations as possible on what people feel they can share here.

There’s probably little doubt here that positive thinking can help and I suspect that along with everything else, this will always be a place where people can talk about the positives, tips and successes.

But it has also got to be a place where people feel free to complain about the negative or to talk about upset, frustration, dark days or even dark periods. Sometimes people just need to do this to be reminded that there are others who have been there and who are listening. This is an important part of the support this community offers.

This conversation is a good one to have because it helps to refine what you want this space to be like. Still, that only works if people are willing to listen and to give each other the benefit of a doubt.

Hmmm...for once I agree with the great and mighty Ezinda. :grin: It is not 'normal' to be only positive as well as it is not 'normal' to be sad all the time.

When your dog dies, it is OK to be negative. It is a part of life.

Well adjusted people feel the range of emotions, it's only when these emotions become out of place and inappropriate.

PD is a pain in the bum, of course it'll get you down, some of the time
But didn't there used to be a 'moaning' thread? I don't recall anyone ever getting upset over that. If anyone posted a comment that wasn't miserable enough, they were light-heartedly admonished. It was quite funny, really. :neutral_face:
Dear Mommah
Nothing I have written was directed at yourself so there is no reason to be upset.
What I was criticising was an opinionated lack of understanding and sympathy by people in early stages of pd to those at a later stage so it is a bit confusing to be described as having an opinionated lack of understanding and sympathy. I shall try and have more understanding and sympathy for people who don't have understanding or sympathy but I reserve the right to express opinions that differ from your own. It is not water of a dock's back - I find this sort of disruption very unpleasant.
This is not an argument about being positive, I for one am very positive. It is an argument about the structure of the forum and free speech and respect for those in a different situation from one's own.
Hi Turnip,

For what its worth I thought I couldn't have put the state of play better than you did and was mystified as to why anyone would think it was directed at anyone in particular. I was not going to post on this thread as what I think of the original poster would certainly be negative and I could see that others were getting a lot out of it. However, I take the opportunity to say that I don't recognise the negative forum some people are desribing and I read it all - touch of Parkie OCD probably. I find it a useful mix of information advice, a well deserved opportunity for people to occasionally (and it is relatively occasional) to have rant where people understand and last but not least a constant witness the kindness of strangers I don't personally visit the social threads but I'm sure they are a great help to those who do. I certainly feel defensive on behalf of this forum and all the wonderful people who contribute.
Hi Turnip

"What I was criticising was an opinionated lack of understanding and sympathy by people in early stages of pd to those at a later stage so it is a bit confusing to be described as having an opinionated lack of understanding and sympathy."

With respect. Your post 25/9/12 may or not have been directed at me, as it followed on from mine.
No matter, because either way, - I am sorry to learn that only being in the 'early stages of PD' does not qualify a person to understand the difficulty of the realities of PD.
I try hard not to be riled by your comments but I am, both personally and on behalf of other so-called 'early stagers'. Must I stoop to having to 'prove' my PD credentials to enter the arena - i shall stick to the example of being unrecognised by a close friend one day because of raging PD overtaking my body. So how on earth could I have any understanding. If this is my 30s I can't wait til my 60s. How long exactly does one have to have PD before we are qualified to comment on it, please?
You haven't understood my post, or appreciated the spirit behind it. But you have tripped me out of this thread. Positivity is not possible when a fellow PD opines that anyone with PD is not qualified to comment on it.
There - that's me busted - the shell of positivity is well and truly shattered tonight. Passive resistance is over rated too, today. I cannot avoid responding to your post and rue the thought that I've now succumbed to another forum 'discussion' but, really.
I know I shall probably regret this rant tomorrow but it's a long time since i felt so offended.

They can't hear me; it must be my quiet voice. Thank goodness it’s not that I’m a boring so-and-so.
Er, not that anyone is boring on this forum, you understand.

(Oh no, I've done it again!) :flushed:
From the Path, June 1866
Ch. J. Quetil, F.T.S.

Mr. H. Durville, Director of the "Journal du Magnetisme," published in Paris, France, has made some very interesting experiments which have led him to fix the exact Polarity of the Human Body. To understand well what I am going to state, it is necessary to know first that the French call the South pole of the Earth, Austral, and the North pole, Boreal, and that they call the end of the compass needle or of a Magnet which is attracted to the North of the Earth, Austral, and the end which is attracted to the South, Boreal.

Mr. Durville has replaced the denominations Austral and Boreal by the terms positive and negative, based on the following Electro-Chemical law. If a Saline solution be submitted to the action of a Voltaic current, the acids go to the pole +, or positive and the alkalis to the pole –, or negative.

Also if we put in the water contained in two different glasses, the two electrodes of a pile, uniting the two glasses by a wet woolen or cotton thread, the water in the glass exposed to the electrode +, will take a fresh and acidulated taste, and the water in the other glass exposed to the electrode –, will take an alkaline, tepid and unsavoury taste. Now, if we submit two glasses filled with water to the poles of a Magnet, the water exposed to the Austral pole will take an acidulated taste, and the water exposed to the Boreal pole will take an alkaline taste.

There is, then, a concordance of nature between the positive or + pole of the pile, and the Austral or positive pole of the Magnet, both being fresh and acids; and between the negative or – pole of the pile, and the Boreal or negative pole of the Magnet, both being tepid, nauseous and alkaline. Consequently we can call +, or positive, the Austral pole of the Magnet and –, or negative, the Boreal pole. Furthermore, if we magnetize two glasses of water, one with the right hand, and the other with the left hand, the first will become acidulated and fresh, and the second, tepid, nauseous and alkaline.

Then, there is again concordance of nature between the positive or – pole of the pile, the positive or Austral pole of the Magnet, and the right hand, which are fresh and acidulated; and between the negative or – pole of the pile, the negative or Boreal pole of the Magnet, and the left hand which are tepids, nauseous and alkalines.

Consequently we can call positive or +, the right hand and the Austral pole of the Magnet, as well as the positive pole of the pile; and negative or –, the left hand and the Boreal pole of the Magnet, as well as the negative pole of the pile.

We know that the Earth is a Magnet and that it acts like one.

We also know that when Magnets act freely one upon another, the poles of the same name are repulsed and the poles of contrary names are attracted.

Now, Mr. Durville found by repeated experiments that all the right side of a sensitive subject is strongly influenced by the positive pole of the Magnet which produces contraction, repulsion and excitation; while, on the contrary, the other pole relaxes, attracts and calms the same side. The Austral pole of the Magnet presented within about 4 inches of the forehead of the subject, repulses him and puts him to sleep; while the left hand attracts and awakens him. It is evident, then, that the positive pole of the Magnet and the right hand are poles of the same name; and, if the Austral pole of the Magnet is positive, then the Boreal or Northern pole of the Earth must be negative. The physical laws of the Human Magnetism are consequently identical with those governing the actions of the Magnets.

The Human body represents three horse-shoe Magnets, two of them having the neutral point at the summit of the head and the third in an inverted position to that of the two first ones. The axis the most important divides us laterally from right to left, the other from the forepart to the back part of the body. The first horse-shoe Magnet has its neutral point at the summit of the head, and its extremities or poles at the right hand and the left hand, the right hand being the positive, and the left hand the negative pole.

The second horse-shoe Magnet has also its neutral point at the summit of the head, and the extremites or poles of its two branches are the right and the left foot, the right foot being positive and the left foot negative.

The third horse-shoe Magnet, the one in an inverted position, has its neutral point at the perineum and the extremities of its branches are the forehead and the occiput. The forehead being positive and the occiput negative.

From this it follows that in the human body, from the extremities of the feet to the summit of the head, all the right side is positive and the left side negative, and from the forehead to the perineum all the forepart of the body is positive, while the opposite or back part, from the occiput to the perineum is negative. The Human body possesses other polary axes of less importance.

Reichenbach has found, through experiments made with many sensitives, that the end of the Magnet which seeks the North pole of the Earth, the end we call positive, sends to the left hand of a sensitive a fresh breeze, while the other end emits a tepid one. He also found that the positive end emits in the dark a blue light, while the negative one emits a yellow red light. His sensitives found that in the dark, the right side of the human body emits a blue light, while the left side emits a yellow red one. Then the right side of the body has the same quality of Magnetism as the positive, or North seeking, or Austral pole of the Magnet, and the left side has the same quality of Magnetism as the negative, or South seeking, or Boreal pole of the Magnet. Those experiments of Reichenbach agree thus entirely with those made by Mr. Duville. His polarity of the Human body is also the same as given by Andrew Jackson Davis, page 91 of his work "The Harbinger of Health." There are consequently very strong reasons for believing that the theory of Mr. Durville is the right one, since it has been confirmed by practical experiments made by himself, Reichenbach and Davis.

Mr. Durville concludes his article in the "Journal du Magnetisme," January number of 1886, with some interesting points in Therapeutics. Diseases can be classed as of two kinds, those due to atony or paralysis of the organs, and those due to excitation or inflammation.

The object of Medicine is to excite the functions of the atonic organs and to calm or moderate those which are too active. Magnetizers knew that the ends of the fingers presented within a few inches of the diseased part, will produce excitation, while the palm of the hand applied on produces calm; but they could not always obtain the desired effect for want of the knowledge of the true polarity of the Human body.

The right hand will produce attraction, calm and easiness on the left and back side of the body; and repulsion, excitation and uneasiness on the right and forepart of the body; and the left hand will produce the same corresponding effects on the right and forepart of the body, and on the left and backpart. The right-hand, a positive pole, will act with more energy than the left-hand, a negative one.

He found by experiments that the most certain and active results are produced by presenting the palm of the hand within about two inches from the diseased part, the attractions and repulsions being in inverse ratio of the square of the distances. Every time we want to take off a pain, or calm an excitation, we will succeed by presenting the palm of the right hand to the diseased part, if that part is on the left side or the back of the body, or by presenting the palm of the left hand, if it is on the right side or the forepart of the body. For example, a heaviness in the head, a neuralgia and in general, all kinds of headaches, will cease more or less rapidly under the influence of the palm of the hand presented with the fingers upright at about two inches from the forehead. To calm the nervous system, place yourself on the left of the patient and apply the left hand on the epigastrium, and the right hand on the vertebral column, on the corresponding part. If we were to use the other hand on the same part, we should increase for a while the intensity of the pain. To obtain the desired result, the time necessarily varies according to the nature of the disease and sensibility of the patient.

With a knowledge of the laws regulating the human polarity, Magnetism becomes an exact science, a positive one. But the application of it is also an art which constant practice may improve considerably.


Right! Have you all got that? You lot up the north pole head south. You lot down in the south pole head north. All meet at the equator and I'll observe from the moon ok
That's exactly what I was about to say! :fearful:
Hi Lily,
Yes, there was a moaning thread. I believe there may have been more than one in the past. There have also been several touching on the issue of thinking positively.

But there has never been an entire section of the forum (eg 'Meet & greet' or 'Health & wellbeing') dedicated to either.

Hi people, Tall steeple. Reach the top, Need prop. Any news,Call truce. Hope it's true, I thank you.
Hi turnip
I went on a physio course ,I'm an early pd the rest on the cause were late pd and they didn't have as many problems as me .remember we all have pd different.so your comments about young pwp does quite fit.

If there were no negative feelings about having pd then we wouldn't need this forum.people on this forum need others for advice not to say how positive they are.
How do I go about pointing out the elephant in the forum that the subttle is incorrect because - & - = +. e.g. spreadsheets open =(-4)*(-4) = 16.

Another forinstance

Dog Dies = -VE
Dog Has Rabies = -VE
Rabid Dog Dies = +VE (Unless it was your dog -VE, but the dog was insured for £1Million +VE, but they refused to pay out -VE, but you wrote to the ombudsman and he say yes +VE)

No problems just opportunities

So forum users what is the best way of telling SBNS, our dear friend, that they got it wrong? Just plain old incorrecto. Its not even close to being correct. Archimedes, the father of mathmatics, must be spinning in his whatever.

Maybe you were confused with binary logic


In which case its all perfecctly understandable.

There are 10 types of people in this world.

Those that understand binary and those that don't :exclamation:
OK, that seems a bit difficult.
Which is my favourite number, 7 or 111 ?
Keep it simple for us simpletons.
