This is my first time on the forum. I was diagnosed in January 2014.... Shock is an under statement and if I'm honest, I think they have got it wrong!!!! But after my GP, Consultant and Parkinson's Nurse all confirming there conclusion of me having... *PARKINSON'S* Reality has kicked in.
It started in August 2013, where I noticed that I was becoming very tired during the day and this was not down to me over doing things!!! ( I have my wife for that) It also came to my attention that I was struggling on my feet, with my balance.....I had none!! I went to the GP and they said that it was probably an ear infection and gave me a spray for my ear.
A month later, I started to have problems with my joints... A return journey to the GP where a probably, arthritis was the cause. (How wrong were they!!)
Whilst this was all going on my wife became paranoid as I was not smiling as much, Was I not happy ? Oh no, just other symptom of Parkinson's
Towards the end of the year, I was getting a shock down one side of my body whilst resting this would have 2/3 times a night, 3/4 times a week.
My wife also noticed that I was slurring my words and would stutter when excited :-)
But then the hand trimmer began......I had noticed it for a while but tried to keep it to one side whilst I sorted all the other problems out.
Back to the Dr, Who we are now on first names terms..... PARKINSON'S
Can anyone tell me why everyone states that I have Parkinson's, when on paper work it states, "Probable Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease" ????
I have now come to terms with my Diagnosis and running the wife ragged.
I hope that I have not bored to all too much as I hope to be using the forum, often.
Rams57 ********