Stressed out, sick Wife to PD husband

Am new on here & don’t know if I am doing this correctly….
Anyway, here goes….I decided to join the forum as I’m feeling very stressed out today with my husband’s PD monster & need the contact especially as I am housebound and have several longterm conditions myself. I am sure I shall benefit from reading the previous posts and replies from those who have trodden the path before me….My husband was diagnosed about 11 years ago but clearly had undiagnosed PD a lot longer than that. It went undiagnosed for a long time as he was also diagnosed with ME and for years new symptoms he experienced were always attributed to his ME until it became quite clear that something else was going on…. We’ve coped quite well until recently when the ‘mild cognitive impairment’ morphed into something worse.
Just saying ‘hi’ really :wave::wave:

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