Uploading avatars

Hi Kendo, thanks for your thoughts on this issue, and taking the time to investigate!  Our website does indeed use Drupal, but not Drupal Gardens, and these issues aren't related to the points in the article you linked to. Please see my comment above for details on the issues, and what we are doing about it.



Thanks.  Hope you have success in tracking this down.  It was the Mollom search re avatars that found the drupal gardens issue

I still think your issue may be Mollom related though but I'll leave you to sort it



Hello       I wonder if anyone has had foot problems and if so how they dealt with them? I have had burning sensation in the toes of my right foot for a long time and also three of my toes have started to curl under a little. If anyone has had this problem I would be grateful of any help. Is it related to parkinsons?  Thank's

cowboy101 this sounds very much like Distonia which can be a symptom of pd as well as a condition on its own look up the Distonia society Website then speak to your pd specialist ASAP this can be treated.




My toes are curled under in the morning & and i've also had the burning sensation across my feet, my feet are also tender first thing as i try too get about my pd nurse tells me its down too a gap of dopamine stimulation over night.

Sorry but what does this have to do with uploading avatars?

yes that is right with some of us it gets so bad our feet turn inwards and the more stressed you get and the more you try to walk the worse it gets. with me it starts in my right foot then into my left foot and eventually it will effect my right shoulder which gets cramped up so you cannot straighten 


BUT its treatable with APO-GO injections or a pump (looks like a stoma) i for one used the injections because I will not have something attached to me that looks like a stoma. 

We don't need to keep suffering with this without the APO-GO I would be in a wheelchair by now some times you have to push to get what you need. Just ask...............................


BB xx

nothing i just replied to a post in-regard to one of my symptoms.

I'm very confused!

try reading from post 43 maybe that will clarify BB

I'm confused as to why someone would post a question about foot problems in a thread about uploading avatars in a section about using the forum. What's the point of having sections and threads about specific topics if people are going to post questions just anywhere?

My point is, If someone came to the forum looking for information about foot problems, they're not going to look in this thread, they're not even going to look in this section.

I agree with you but I was not going to ignore the post just because it was not necessarily in the right area.

Some people don't know computers very well and may have meant it to go on another section and it ended up her but hey hoe that is how it goes sometimes.

Yes, I think it's something for the mods to sort out rather than us.

agreed xx

Back on task.

I dont want to upload an avatar, I just want the ability to be able to do so.

I assume this can be reset along with the community tickbox


Could someone possibly tell me he you change the profile write up next to your photo please? 

Hi Leyther,

We have noticed a bug in the system that we're looking to fix as soon as possible. It means that existing users are unable to change their avatars.

If at some stage you do want to change your avatar please email us at: [email protected]. If you supply the picture you would like to use and confirm your username and the email address linked to your forum account, we can change it for you.

Hope this helps.


Moderation Team

Hi LEXI255,

You can update your profile text from your Account Settings page. To do this:

  1. log in to the forum
  2. click on 'My Account' at the top of the page
  3. click on 'Account Settings' at the left hand side of the page
  4. scroll down to 'About Me' and enter your text
  5. scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save'

Do let us know how you get along. If you have any more problems we'll be happy to help.


Moderation Team



It looks like the About Me section has disappeared too.

Hi Tabbycat,

It's possible that you're experiencing some of the issues we are investigating at the moment.

I've made a note of this for the admin team. In the meantime, if you would like to update any information in your community profile please email us at: [email protected] with the details you would like to amend and we can make the changes for you.

Best wishes,


Moderation Team