Well I have just completed and tested my attempted cure for all disease Im using a theory which I have cultivated since at high school ,it involved building a nuke poo, ower station down t bottom oft gaaarden due to prying eyes I have my lab there in which working intt andem , with the Nuke is my Collider not as big as the Higgs Bosun version at 17mls in diameter I give you that , mine is 1.2 mtrs and cost £12 . 33p, considerably smaller and cheaper you may say but I have a lot of heavy water in a bung ka, which dad used in poteen production (now shut down ) and havinng over 120tons to fall back on, its allowed speedy and reliable testing to take place every night last week ? didnt even wake the cat,, ? dont have a cat ? hmmm I shall purchase a feline at once, there that did not take long did it,,,so cat in position, count down T minus 3 inutes or minutes even oh hang on no no its sorry ,,ermm switch that up and do not push me signs oh bu????r to late hang on to your hats,, aint got one, I have 100 baby hen hats going cheep if you need one,, baby hen cheep,,oh ok Ill get me coat,, oooh thats a relief it works sheer fluke but it works, and you didnt hear anything did you, thats because all the energy from the nuke is diverted through my Plonka Basic collider thus all the benefits of free noiseless disease free humans is now a reality, and no risk of activating a black hole so there it is im off for a cuppa,, oops, errm well thats odd I appear to have transported through time and thats Stirling Castle , now those screaming red haired maniacs slaughtering , hmmm yes the English wow the bloods realistic, and so are the decapitated heads and thats Ed 1 over there so that must be Will Wallace, big guy, seen mee, so I will flick this little switch, and oooh thats better ,, coming dear, yes yes I know my little honey badger, ,she says theres a big hole in the front garden, stupid woooman, and its getting bigger, , its just her imma???? oh FO,,,,,,,,,,,