Yopd online meet up

Hi @podd I have sent you the link. Welcome!

All - We normally meet on the first Thursday of the month at 8pm.

NOTE! Unfortunately I can’t host the meeting this month (November).

Next meeting Thu 7 December at 8pm.

Thanks @Pcyc

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Hi @Pcyc

Please could you send me the link for the next meeting too?


Hi @PaulM I have just sent you the link, cheers!

Hey! If yoyre doing a zoom meeting in December I’d love to join.

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hi, Pcyc will usually post the link here, see you all Thursday :santa:

Hi @E welcome. I have just sent you the link by private message.

See you, and everyone else, tomorrow 8pm Thu 7 December. Christmas jumpers optional! :christmas_tree:


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Thanks for arranging the meetings this year, have a lovely Christmas, take care all and see you in the new year, health and happiness to you all :santa:

You’re welcome! See you on Thu 4 January at 8pm.

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Thank you for heading!


Thanks for arranging these - was good to chat to people at the December meeting. I remember that someone asked about an app to track symptoms and meds in the meeting. I was looking at the latest Parkinson’s UK magazine and it mentions a new app that has recently been launched called Parkinson’s On. It is free to download from the app stores. I’ve had a quick look at it and it seems like it might be useful.

It also links in the 2 Parkies In a Pod podcast which is also well worth a listen.

Best wishes for the festive season!


Happy new year! It’s the first Thursday of the month so we have the YOPD zoom meeting tonight at 8pm. See you later?

Thanks to Helen, Karen and Ana joining me tonight for a YOPD chat. Another one scheduled for Thu 1 Feb (First Thu of the month) at 8pm. Cheers!

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Hello! When will be next meeting in March?

Hi @Martina it will be this Thursday 7 March at 8pm UK time. Same link as normal. Hope to see you all there. Contact me by private message if you don’t have the link.

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YOPD Zoom meeting tomorrow Thursday 4 April 8pm UK time. Be there or be square. :grin: PM me for the link if you don’t have it.

Well we had a good chat for a while - 4 people came along. Another success…come and join us next time, Thursday 2 May - first Thursday of every month, 8pm.

Thanks for the company. Hope to see you next month :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry I cannot host the zoom meeting this month (Thu 2 May) but will be OK for Thu 6 June 8pm UK time.

Hi, hope to see you all at the YOPD Zoom call tonight (Thu 6 June) at 8pm UK time. Using the normal link (PM me if you don’t have it).